Ankole Watusi International Registry |
22484 W. 239 St Spring Hill, KS 66083-9306 |
WATUSI Magazine WATUSI is published quarterly (January, April, July, October) by the Ankole Watusi International Registry. Subscription price is included in the AWIR membership. Comments, articles, and photographs should be sent to the editor, Dr. Lundgren, 22484 W. 239 St., Spring Hill, KS 66083-9306. Camera-ready advertising is welcomed at the following, per issue, rates: Full Page, $100; Half-Page, $50. Closing date for each issue is 60 days prior to issue date. (An advertiser benefit: Run at least a half-page ad (prepaid) in all four issues in a calendar year, and get your listing in the Breeders' List for FREE.) If you wish to be listed in the Breeders' List without advertising in the WATUSI, prepay $200 per year for that listing. |